Dating Daycare

LIVE ON TIKTOK: Navigating Toxic Relationships

Allison and Melissa Season 1 Episode 26

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Are you stuck in a toxic relationship? In this episode, we address powerful stories from listeners, discussing the struggles of emotional abuse and dependency. It’s a relatable topic that many face. We dive deep into how financial independence and supportive networks are essential for anyone feeling trapped in a negative relationship cycle. 

Listen as we review real questions from our fishbowl segment, sparking a rich discussion about reclaiming one’s freedom. We outline practical advice on how to establish financial security and create support systems—emphasizing that it’s crucial for every woman to have a safety net in case life takes an unexpected turn. 

In the second half of our show, we explore resources relevant to anyone needing to break away from a harmful situation. We stand firmly on the belief that everyone deserves to feel safe and valued; thus seeking help and guidance can be your first step into a brighter future. 

Whether you're seeking advice or simply curious, tune in and explore the steps for empowerment and support. Join our community and embark on your journey toward healing and happiness. Remember, your voice matters. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. Subscribe, share, and leave us a review to help spread awareness!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dating Daycare.

Speaker 2:

Another episode, another day Allison, where we help you navigate through the jungle of jerks out there, ladies, and we have our historical fishbowl episode coming up to you today, but a little bit different, because we decided to do a TikTok live which is on our big screen over here. That way people can comment. So we're going to read our fishbowl, as we always do real questions from real women and men that I pull from social media and we're going to help you answer them and then we're going to try to get some of our live viewers to chime in. So, live viewers, if you're out there and you're watching us on TikTok, please stay on, because when we are done reading our fishbowl, which Allison's going to do today, oh, thank you.

Speaker 1:

We want you to comment All right, so this is from a bad today. Oh, thank you. We want you to comment All right, so this is from a bad mom. Bad mom. I want to leave my husband but I can't. I'm fully dependent on him in every way. I don't have anyone I could rely on. I've been with him since I was 18. I've never had a real job other than under-the-table restaurant jobs. I have nothing, but I need to leave him. He treats me like shit and doesn't appreciate anything I do. I've changed everything about me to make our relationship better. Our life was, and nothing has changed. We stay together for our daughter and that's it. The bad outweighs the good. The fights are getting worse. I'm afraid he's going to get physical. Okay, there's zero intimacy. I've caught him trying to cheat and using OnlyFans. I've even found myself tempted to cheat simply for the sake of feeling wanted and appreciated. I don't even know the first step in trying to leave him. This sounds probably like something many, many women go through yes, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And what's your advice? Um let me pass it over again. We gotta look at it. I have a little bit of advice for the first.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I wish there was a little more context. I wish I could know how old she was, but what you know um first of all, ladies, never I always say this like never be- financially financially dependent dependent on a man you have to have your rainy day fund stashed away Right. Completely separate, never.

Speaker 2:

Because that is what is preventing her solely from leaving. If she had a career, if she had money stashed away, if she had family. Listen, there are times you can be dependent on a man, but you have to know that you could get back out there in the work field if need be, or move in with your parents, if need be.

Speaker 2:

There has to be some sort of out for you. You never know where a relationship is going to take you. Today. It's good, right, we all get married or have kids with somebody nowadays. That we think is going to be good. We don't say, oh, let me walk down the aisle, knowing it's going to be shitty in five years. And it turns that way. For what's the percentage of the divorce?

Speaker 2:

rate 54 at least I think it's more now. So when you walk down that aisle, if you decide to stay home and raise your children, you damn well better make sure that you have some sort of out Right. If you have no family, no career, no job, no savings, you're setting yourself up for a horrible, horrible situation.

Speaker 1:

And the child is seeing the fights. I'm sure I mean whether or not you think she is. She is and she's internalizing that and she's going to reenact this dynamic later. You know, it's just not good.

Speaker 2:

It's not healthy.

Speaker 1:

Tit for tat cheating. No, just don't even go there right now. You're not in any place to be engaging with someone else. Just the first step is to get out of there. Someone on Tiki Taki Zippy said turn to the family if she can.

Speaker 2:

If not buy a cheesecake and eat the whole thing In one sitting, it helps. It does help for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Turn to the family if she can, If not buy a cheesecake and eat the whole thing and one sitting it helps, it does help. It does help for a minute.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that, like I said, you know, if you're going to give up your independence, so to say, to stay home and raise your kids, which I like I love that idea. I think it's important for a mom to be around.

Speaker 1:

At least for those crucial few years.

Speaker 2:

I think that's wonderful, but you need to set up your life so that you are always protected. I always say this to women Always protect yourself, because you never know what is going to happen. And this even goes for we were just talking about this all the new wave women with your great, huge careers and you go to buy houses and then you go, you buy a house, you meet a man and then you put his name on the deed.

Speaker 2:

yeah, no, no right no, no, no no yeah always financially protect yourself, because that is going to be your freedom, no matter what that's going to be your freedom, no matter what that's going to be your freedom.

Speaker 1:

Whether you like it or not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, whether you like it or not, that is the person with the money determines where you and your children are going to go. You need a roof, you need food, you need clothing and you need to get them to school.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if we're talking minimum, and I know I'm sure she may be hesitant to well, it sounded like she feels she doesn't really have anyone.

Speaker 2:

Well, she has no family, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean a friend, like a really close friend, even just if you're crashing in the basement or like whatever, just super temporarily, until you get on your feet, and then you know so.

Speaker 2:

Which is hard to do when you don't have a career. Yeah, you know, unfortunately and I'm always the one that's controversial here this unfortunately I feel bad for her. This is one of the worst situations you could ever put yourself in as a woman no career, no family, no savings and financially dependent on a man. This is very hard to get out of.

Speaker 1:

Extremely hard. Only fans, I mean honestly.

Speaker 2:

But you don't have any savings, you don't have any money coming in. How could she even go to work, she said, under the table, as a wait table restaurant job? How are you even supposed to get daycare or sitting for your child when you have no money to see? Now, if you had a bank account and you had money for a rainy day, you could say you know what? I'm gonna hire somebody three days a week, no matter what this idiot says, and go back to work but, you don't even have that and she's kind of in a in a an abusive type situation.

Speaker 1:

Could she not go to like local shelters and look for advice? You need to go to your mother's house, wherever your family is friend, best friend, family.

Speaker 2:

You need to pick up with your child, leave and go to a domestic violence shelter which we we've had on. Please watch our episode it was wonderful and we had a follow-up and there's all information on it and get yourself out of this, all right. All right, we'll see Now. Does anybody have anything to say? We're going to go to our live on TikTok and see Freepoy. Do you have anything to say, zippy?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he has some good comments here. He said seriously toxicity does not get better.

Speaker 2:

No, toxicity never gets better. We also have a comment. There are also outreach programs in every city. It is important to seek these outlets Absolutely. I just said we have a domestic violent shelter episode with all the information about it. If you're going through that, wear a shirt. Blue collar Delancey joins.

Speaker 1:

Is Jessie still out there? Jessie IE, which I think she's a girl? We need some-. Octavia, what do you think?

Speaker 2:

Women chiming in please, yep, yep, yep. And you know what? Sometimes people just need to leave.

Speaker 1:

that's my, you know people need to get out and go to some of the shelters.

Speaker 2:

Diana's here hi, girl diana hi we're talking about leaving uh toxic relationships with kids, yeah unhappy but, I think those comments were great. Yeah, and our live audience did well, and our audience here. We hope that that helped and that you enjoyed our little mini fishbowl episode. We will be doing another soon. I love when we pull these questions out and help people that's why we're here.

Speaker 1:

Keep them coming. Look at um our show notes on apple podcast to find out where you can reach us with your questions.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and we're here to help. That's what we're here for. Have a nice day, thank you, and we will see you soon.

Speaker 1:


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